I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see! 


Hey there!
Find your way

Passion drove me to start my business - a burning desire to make a difference in lives. Armed with a business degree, I embarked on a journey that forever changed me. Becoming a certified trainer ignited my love for fitness and wellness. It became crystal clear that empowering lives through physical and mental well-being is my true calling.

i was put on this earth to change lives through fitness + Wellness

I entered the world of fitness and wellness with a clear purpose - to make a positive impact on people's lives. After completing my business education, I decided to become a certified trainer, and that's when I truly fell in love with helping others through fitness.

As time went on, I realized that empowering individuals through their fitness and wellness journeys is my true calling. To ensure that I can offer my clients the best possible experience, I continuously expand my knowledge and expertise in various fitness disciplines. Your well-being is my priority, and I'm committed to providing you with the most effective and up-to-date methods to help you succeed.

But it's not just about the physical aspect. I genuinely care about people, and I believe in creating a sense of community and belonging. I want you to feel like you're part of something greater, and together, we'll tap into your full potential within the gym.

Consider me your biggest cheerleader. Whether I'm correcting your form, joining you in a workout to keep you motivated, or simply cheering you on for that extra rep, I'll always be there to support you. I'm not afraid to be loud, proud, and understanding, because I know the challenges you face on this journey.

I meet you where you're at and continually push you to become better each day. You're not just a number to me; you're a valued friend and family member. 

Fitness has always been an integral part of my life, stemming from my lifelong passion for basketball. Leading the way and building a strong community around me is something that brings me immense joy and fulfillment. Sharing my passion with others is incredibly rewarding and empowering.

Together, let's embark on this transformative journey towards wellness and fitness. With my knowledge, support, and commitment to your success, we'll achieve great things. You're not alone in this - I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

It's a journey that many of us go through, and I'm here to offer you the support and guidance you need to get back on track and achieve your goals...

I understand how frustrating it can be to feel dissatisfied with your body and overall wellness. 

get to know me

Now is the time to invest in yourself and make a positive change. Join the community of so many who have already transformed their lives with HIIT IT WITH KIM.

Say YES to a healthier, fitter, and more confident you!

Your struggles end right NOW!

Develop such a solid fitness routine that you love going to the gym everyday!

Feel proud of yourself EVERY day for your new wellness routine and look in the mirror to see REAL results!

Know that you have a community of supportive friends that will hold you accountable and this motivates you to keep showing up, getting leaner and stronger every week!

Know that fitness is a part of your weekly routine instead of trying to fit it into your schedule!

How would it feel to...


You're sick and tired of falling off the "fitness wagon"? 

Upset with yourself because you keep falling victim of your own excuses? 

Feel like you're constantly saying "I'll start tomorrow"?

You know that your health should be a top priority, but can't find the motivation to stick to a program? 

Do you feel like?

before working with me


Develop such a solid fitness routine that you love going to the gym everyday!

Feel proud of yourself EVERY day for your new wellness routine and look in the mirror to see REAL results!

Know that you have a community of supportive friends that will hold you accountable and this motivates you to keep showing up, getting leaner and stronger every week!

Know that fitness is a part of your weekly routine instead of trying to fit it into your schedule!

You're sick and tired of falling off the "fitness wagon"? 

Upset with yourself because you keep falling victim of your own excuses? 

Feel like you're constantly saying "I'll start tomorrow"?

You know that your health should be a top priority, but can't find the motivation to stick to a program? 

Get to Know A Little About Moi

5 quick things

I'm the 4th out of 5!

I have four siblings!

(which is pretty obvious).

My favorite color is...

I love to dance, love the beach and hot weather!

Dance. Beach. Hot Weather.

I would love to see all of the national parks in the county- travel goals!

Travel Goals

BASKETBALL! (Especially the Celtics!)

I love...

your dreams

You're in the right place

it's time to chase down

You're in the right place

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see!


Hey there!
fitness + Wellness coach
Hiit It With Kim